CII Level 4 Mock Exams
Our CII Level 4 mock tests will help you prepare for your chosen exam by providing invaluable practice as you prepare for the real thing. Receive an instant pass or fail result with additional feedback in your chosen test.
R0 Exams
Our R01 mock exams provide access to hundreds of exam questions. Each exam is timed, offers an instant pass or fail and additional feedback. You can run your mock exam multiple times.Learn More
Our R02 mock exams provide access to hundreds of exam questions. Each exam is timed, offers an instant pass or fail and additional feedback. You can run your mock exam multiple times.Learn More
Our R03 mock exams provide access to hundreds of exam questions. Each exam is timed, offers an instant pass or fail and additional feedback. You can run your mock exam multiple times.Learn More
Our R04 mock exams provide access to hundreds of exam questions. Each exam is timed, offers an instant pass or fail and additional feedback. You can run your mock exam multiple times.Learn More
Our R05 mock exams provide access to hundreds of exam questions. Each exam is timed, offers an instant pass or fail and additional feedback. You can run your mock exam multiple times.Learn More
“The mock exams were an immense help in getting qualified. They do a fantastic job of cutting through to what’s actually needed to pass the exams”
Michael, Independent Financial Planner
Contact Details
0131 541 2273
Company Address
Redmill Advance
15-16 Queen Street