Ace your CII & CISI exams with Exam Angel, our intuitive exam support app
Easy access to mock exams in a few clicks

The power of a pass in your pocket
Our mock exams are created by highly qualified financial services professionals with decades of training experience. We regularly sit the exams ourselves ensuring our exam questions remain highly relevant.
“I just wanted you to know that I passed! I’ve had a 100% success rate so far passing these exams.”
Chloe, Financial Planner
“I passed with a score of 88%. The exams you provide are such a brilliant resource and really prepared me for the real thing!”
Tom, Independent Financial Planner
“I wish I had found you earlier. I achieved a pass rate of 85%”
James, Independent Financial Planner
Why choose Exam Angel?
Unlimited Access
Access your mock exams on the go 24hrs a day. Revisit your exams at any time
Mock Exams with Instant Feedback
Our mock exams get your ready for the real thing with hundreds of questions to test your knowledge and with instant feedback
Industry Expert Tutors
Our content writers are highly qualified to a minimum of Chartered level and you can be confident you are accessing highly relevant exam content
Purchase with confidence
Purchase with confidence. Exam Angel was established in 2006, we have had a few changes since launch, always improving our offering but one thing that hasn’t changed is the quality of our exam support content
Supercharge your learning

Supercharge your learning

3 Mock exams in each category
Exams are written in the style of the CII & CISI
Mock exams timed in line with the real exam